B & C Working Group

I wanted to take a moment to update everyone on the progress of our working group. I think this format will be the most effective way to share our developments and keep you all in the loop!

For those who are unaware, a working group was formed to “modernize the structure and operation of Nashville’s boards and commissions to improve efficacy, transparency, and operations.”

The working group has made significant progress, and I’d like to take a moment to commend Dave Rosenberg, now at the Mayor’s office. His efforts, along with those of the committee, have really propelled this work forward. Recently, we distributed a survey to commissioners with several questions designed to shed light on the current landscape. We also plan to send a similar survey to staff who work closely with our boards and commissions.

Here is the aggregate data..

  • There were a total of 230 responses.

  • 51/70 Boards participated



Do you feel like the total number of member seats on your board is the ideal number or should it be more or less?

  • 74% it is the ideal number

  • 7% there should be more seats (Suggestions for more seats came from two members each from CRB and MDHA)

  • 2% There should be fewer seats

Thinking about the makeup of your board, do you feel like members’ professional backgrounds and diversity gives appropriate context to reach decisions?

  • 77% Yes

  • 20% Somewhat

  • 3% No

Does your board have trouble meeting its quorum requirement for meetings?

  • 25% Never

  • 41% Rarely

  • 20% Sometimes

  • 3% Frequently

  • 11% Not Sure

When joining the board, do you feel like you had enough support (training, guidance, documentation, government provisions, etc.) to help you get started?

  • 73% Yes

  • 27% No

*Multiple noes representing at least one-third of response: Arts, Beautification, BPAC, CRB, DES, Building, Codes, Hospital, Housing Trust Fund, Music and Film, Sports Authority, Sustainability, T&P

Since you’ve been a established member on this board, do you feel like you had enough support to help you in your role?

  • 87% Yes

  • 13% No

*Multiple noes representing at least one-third of response: Arts, BPAC, IDB, Music and Film, T&P

Have you ever served as chair of this board?

  • 79% No

  • 15% Current Chair

  • 6% Past Chair

Do you feel you or others serving in this role of chair have received the support they need to lead meetings?

  • 70% Yes

  • 6% No

  • 27% Not Sure

Do you feel you or others serving in the role of chair have received the support they need to carry out other duties?

  • 67% Yes

  • 6% No

  • 27% Not sure

How do you feel your board is operating with respect to operation of meetings?

  • 68% Very Well

  • 23% Somewhat Well

  • 2% Somewhat Poorly

  • 1% Very Poorly

  • 5% Not Sure

*Multiple “poorly” responses representing at least one-third of responses: Arts

How do you feel your board is operating with respect to transparency?

  • 68% Very Well

  • 20% Somewhat Well

  • 2% Somewhat Poorly

  • 2% Very Poorly

  • 8% Not Sure

*Multiple “poorly” responses representing at least one-third of responses: Hospital

How do you feel your board is operating with respect to policy decisions?

  • 58% Very Well

  • 27% Somewhat well

  • 3% Somewhat Poorly

  • 1% Very Poorly

  • 10% Not Sure

*Multiple “poorly” responses representing at least one-third of responses: Hospital

Do you receive information regarding items that will be discussed at meetings?

  • 90% Yes, in advance

  • 7% Yes, only once I arrive

  • 3% No

Do you believe the information is adequately thorough and sent in a timely manner?

  • 90% Yes

  • 10% No

*Multiple ”no info” or “not adequate” responses representing at least one-third of responses: Arts, Building Codes, Hospital, T&P

How convenient do you feel the location at which your board meets is for you?

  • 60% Very Convenient

  • 30% Somewhat Convenient

  • 7% Somewhat inconvenient

  • 1% Very inconvenient

  • 2% Not sure

How convenient do you feel the location at which your board meets is the other board members?

  • 39% Very Convenient

  • 25% Somewhat convenient

  • 3% Somewhat inconvenient

  • 0% Very inconvenient

  • 33% Not sure

How convenient do you feel the location at which the board meets is for members of the public?

  • 40% Very convenient

  • 30% Somewhat convenient

  • 9% Somewhat inconvenient

  • 2% Very inconvenient

  • 20% Not sure

How convenient do you feel the time at which your board meets is for members of the public?

  • 58% Very convenient

  • 30% Somewhat convenient

  • 8% Somewhat inconvenient

  • 2% Vey convenient

  • 2% Not Sure

How convenient do you feel the time at which your board meets is for you?

  • 38% Very convenient

  • 25% Somewhat convenient

  • 7% Somewhat inconvenient

  • 0% Very inconvenient

  • 3% Not sure

How convenient do you feel the time at which your board meets its for other board members?

  • 34% very convenient

  • 22% Somewhat convenient

  • 14% Somewhat inconvenient

  • 5% Very inconvenient

  • 25% Not Sure

*Multiple “inconvenient” responses representing at least one-third of responses: BZA, Fair Board, IDB, MDHA, NECAT, Planning, Social Services, T&P

Do you feel like the frequency with which your board meets is ideal, or should it be more or less often?

  • 84% Ideal frequency

  • 10% Not often enough

  • 1% Too often

  • 5% Not sure

*Multiple “not often enough” responses representing at least one-third of responses: Greenways, Music and Film, Sustainability, T&P

Do you feel that the length of your meetings is acceptable?

  • 95% Yes

  • 5% Too long

  • 0% Too short

*Multiple “too long” responses representing at least one-third of responses: Ethical Conduct, T&P, TLC

Does your board have committees or subcommittees?

  • 42% Yes

  • 58% No

(Subset) Do you feel you committee or subcommittee are effective?

  • 79% Yes

  • 5% No

  • 16% Not sure

*Multiple noes representing at least one-third of responses: Hospital, IDB

(Subset) Do you feel your committee or subcommittee do the right amount of work, too much work, or too little work?

  • 67% Right amount

  • 10% Too little

  • 2% Too much

  • 21% Not sure

*Multiple “too little” responses representing at least one-third of responses: Hospital, IDB

Do you feel like your board has the tools it needs to act fairly toward everyone who comes before your board or is otherwise impacted by your board?

  • 76% Yes

  • 6% No

  • 18% Not sure

Does your board oversee personnel?

  • 18% Yes

  • 67% No

  • 14% Not sure

(Subset) How do you feel your board does overseeing personnel?

  • 67% We do well

  • 24% We do okay

  • 10% We could do much better

(Subset) Are you familiar with Metro’s employment provisions that apply to the personnel you oversee?

  • 57% Yes

  • 43% No

*Multiple “no” responses representing at least one-third of responses: Airport Authority, Beer Board


We are in the process of drafting legislation to change councilmembers serving on boards and commissions created by ordinance or resolution as nonvoting members, to align with Tennessee state statute. Boards and commissions created by charter or state law will not be affected. Additionally, the legislation will address attendance requirements. While council members currently have the authority to remove commissioners, this power has not been utilized, and we will be offering guidance on the matter.

Future Discussion:

At our next meeting, we will discuss recommendations for which boards and commissions should include a council member, as requested by the council. Once we finalize our recommendations, I will reach out to Rules Chair Preptit to request a special called Rules meeting.

These are the updates I have at the moment. Thank you all of your patience!

Sandra Sepulveda